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भिडियो ग्यालरी
Minister of Economic Affairs and Planning Mr. Vedaraj Singh while answering questions and queries
Mrs. Kalyani Khadka while participating in the discussion of the twenty-fifth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Vinod Kumar Shah while participating in the discussion of the twenty-fifth meeting of the second session of the second term
Chief Minister of Karnali State Government Mr. Rajkumar Sharma while answering questions and queries
While participating in the discussion of the twenty-fifth meeting of the second session of the second term, Ms. Tekraj pachhai
Mrs. Dakshina Shahi while participating in the discussion of the twenty-fifth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Vinod Kumar Shah while participating in the discussion of the twenty-fifth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Durg Bahadur Rawat while participating in the discussion of the twenty-fifth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Yamalal Kandel while participating in the discussion of the twenty-fifth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mrs. Kalyani Khadka expressed her views on contemporary issues in the twenty-fifth meeting of the second session
Mr. Devendra Bahadur Shahi while participating in the discussion of the twenty-fourth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Jit Bahadur Malla while participating in the discussion of the twenty-fourth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mrs. Kalyani Khadka while participating in the discussion of the twenty-fourth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Kal Bahadur Hamal while participating in the discussion of the twenty-fourth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Ransingh Periyar while participating in the discussion of the twenty-fourth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mrs. Ghanshyam Bhandari while participating in the discussion of the twenty-fourth meeting of the second session of the second term
Minister of Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperatives Mr. Bhim Prakash Sharma while answering questions and queries
Minister of Economic Water Resources and Energy Development Mrs. Urmila Vishwakarma while answering questions and queries
Minister of Economic Affairs and Planning Mr. Vedaraj Singh while answering questions and queries
While participating in the discussion of the twenty-third meeting of the second session of the second term, Mr. Mahendra K.C.
Mrs. Valimaya Budha while participating in the discussion of the twenty-third meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Devendra Bahadur Shahi while participating in the discussion of the twenty-third meeting of the second session of the second term
While participating in the discussion of the twenty-third meeting of the second session of the second term, Ms. Tekraj followed
Mrs. Dakshina Shahi while participating in the discussion of the twenty-third meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Sher Bahadur Budha while participating in the discussion of the twenty-third meeting of the second session of the second term
Mrs. Indrakumari Shahi while participating in the discussion of the twenty-third meeting of the second session of the second term
While participating in the discussion of the twenty-third meeting of the second session of the second term, Ms. Gamata V.K.
Mrs. Vijaya Budha while participating in the discussion of the twenty-third meeting of the second session of the second term
Mrs. Kalyani Khadka while participating in the discussion of the twenty-fourth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Kal Bahadur Hamal while participating in the discussion of the twenty-fourth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mrs. Kalyani Khadka while participating in the discussion of the twenty-third meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Durg Bahadur Rawat while participating in the discussion of the twenty-third meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Kal Bahadur Hamal while participating in the discussion of the twenty-third meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Suresh Adhikari while participating in the discussion of the twenty-third meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Bir Bahadur Shahi while participating in the discussion of the 22nd meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Purna Bahadur Khatri while participating in the discussion of the twenty-second meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Ransingh Periyar while participating in the discussion of the twenty-second meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Jit Bahadur Malla while participating in the discussion of the twenty-second meeting of the second session of the second term
Mrs. Janaki Singh while participating in the discussion of the nineteenth meeting of the second session of the second term
While participating in the discussion of the nineteenth meeting of the second session of the second term, Mr. Mahendra K.C.
Mrs. Tulsa Mall while participating in the discussion of the nineteenth meeting of the second session of the second term
In the nineteenth meeting of the second session of the second term, Mr. Jeevan Bahadur Shahi expressed his opinion
Mr. Ransingh Pariyar, while giving opinion on contemporary issues
Mr. Vinod Kumar Shah has an opinion on contemporary issues
Mrs. Indrakumari Shahi while participating in the discussion of the eighteenth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Purna Bahadur Khatri while participating in the discussion of the eighteenth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Durg Bahadur Rawat while participating in the discussion of the eighteenth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Devendra Bahadur Shahi while participating in the discussion of the eighteenth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mrs. Dakshina Shahi while participating in the discussion of the eighteenth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Suresh Adhikari while participating in the discussion of the eighteenth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Ransingh Periyar while participating in the discussion of the eighteenth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mrs. Vindaman Bista while participating in the discussion of the eighteenth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mrs. Vindaman Bista while participating in the discussion of the eighteenth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Vinod Kumar Shah while participating in the discussion of the eighteenth meeting of the second session of the second term
Mr. Hikmat Bahadur Bista while participating in the discussion of the eighteenth meeting of the second session of the second term
The leader of the opposition party Mr. Yamalal Kadel while expressing his opinion in the eighteenth meeting of the second session of the second term
Hon'ble Chief Minister Rajkumar Sharma while holding the opinion of Karnali State Government
Provincial Government A. And protesting against the annual development program of the year 2080/081, Ms. Tekraj pachhai
The leader of the opposition party Mr. Yamalal Kadel while expressing his opinion in the fifteenth meeting of the second session
In the fifteenth meeting of the second session, Mr. Bir Bahadur Shahi gave an opinion on contemporary issues
In the fifteenth meeting of the second session, Mr. Vinod Kumar Shah expressed his views on contemporary issues
In the fifteenth meeting of the second session, Ms. Tekraj followed the current affairs
In the fifteenth meeting of the second session, Mr. Sher Bahadur Budha gave an opinion on contemporary issues
Minister of Economic Affairs and Planning Mr. Vedraj Singh while answering the questions and inquiries
Participating in general discussions, Mr. Jumkeet Lama (Karki)
Participating in the general discussion, Ms. Gamata V.K.
Mr. Hikmat Bahadur Bista is participating in the general discussion
Mr. Kal Bahadur Hamal is participating in the general discussion
Mr. Devendra Bahadur Shahi is participating in the general discussion
Mr. Durg Bahadur Rawat is participating in the general discussion
Participating in the general discussion, Mr. Sher Bahadur Budha
Mr. Rajeev Vikram Shah participating in the general discussion
Taking part in the general discussion, Mr. Mahendra K.C.
Mr. Vinod Kumar Shah is participating in the general discussion
Participating in the general discussion, Mr. Jeevan Bahadur Shahi
Participating in the general discussion, Mrs. Valimaya Budha
Ms. Lakshmi Sunar is participating in the general discussion
Ms. Dakshina Shahi participating in the general discussion
Participating in the general discussion, Mrs. Vijaya Budha
Ms. Tekraj followed while participating in the general discussion
Participating in the general discussion, Mr. Bir Bahadur Shahi
Ms. Kalyani Khadka is participating in the general discussion
Mrs. Ghanshyam Bhandari participating in the general discussion
Participating in the general discussion, Mr. Jeet Bahadur Malla
Mr. Runsingh Periyar participating in the general discussion
Ms. Santoshi Shahi participating in the general discussion
Ms. Indrakumari Shahi participating in the general discussion
Mr. Suresh Adhikari participating in the general discussion
Mr. Poorna Bahadur Khatri is participating in the general discussion
Participating in a general discussion, Ms. Tulsa Mall
Mrs. Janaki Singh participating in the general discussion
Participating in general discussions, Mr. Vindman Bista
Mr. Yamalal Kandel is participating in the general discussion
The twelfth meeting of the second session of the second term of the Karnali Provincial Assembly was held on Monday, June 4, 2080.
The annual budget for FY 2080/081 was presented by the Minister of Economic Affairs and Planning Mr. Vedaraj Singh.
Rajkumar Sharma, Chief Minister of Karnali State Government while answering the questions and inquiries
Mr. Jit Bahadur Malla proposed amendment on the policy and program of the financial year 2080/081
Mr. Vinod Kumar Shah while proposing amendment on the policy and program of the financial year 2080/081
Ms. Tekraj followed while proposing amendments on policies and programs for the financial year 2080/081
Mrs. Kalyani Khadka is participating in the discussion on the policies and programs of the financial year 2080/81
Participating in the discussion on the policies and programs of the financial year 2080/81
Participating in the discussion on policies and programs for the financial year 2080/81, Mr. Gamata V.K.
Participating in the discussion on policies and programs for the financial year 2080/81, Mr. Mahendra K.C.
Taking part in the discussion on policies and programs for the financial year 2080/81, Mr. Tekraj followed
Participating in the discussion on policies and programs for the financial year 2080/81, Mr. Vijaya Budha
Participating in the discussion on policies and programs for the financial year 2080/81, Mr. Milan Khadka Roka
Participating in the discussion on the policies and programs of the fiscal year 2080/81, Mr. Jeet Bahadur Malla
Participating in the discussion on policies and programs for the financial year 2080/81, Mrs. Jeevan Bahadur Shahi
Mr. Sher Bahadur Budha is participating in the discussion on the policies and programs of the financial year 2080/81
Mrs. Valimaya Budha is participating in the discussion on the policies and programs of the financial year 2080/81
Ms. Dakshina Shahi is participating in the discussion on policies and programs for the financial year 2080/81
Participating in the discussion on policies and programs for the financial year 2080/81, Mr. Jumkeet Lama (Karki)
Ms. Indra Kumari Shahi is participating in the discussion on the policy and program of the financial year 2080/81
Mr. Kal Bahadur Hamal is participating in the discussion on the policies and programs of the financial year 2080/81
Taking part in the discussion on the policy and program of the financial year 2080/81 Mr. Ransingh Periyar
Mrs. Janaki Singh participating in the discussion on the policy and program of the financial year 2080/81
Mr. Vinod Kumar Shah is participating in the discussion on the policy and program of the financial year 2080/81
Mr. Durg Bahadur Rawat is participating in the discussion on the policies and programs of the financial year 2080/81
Participating in the discussion on policies and programs for the financial year 2080/81 Ms. Santoshi Shahi
Ms. Lakshmi Sunar is participating in the discussion on the policies and programs of the financial year 2080/81
Participating in the discussion on the policies and programs of the financial year 2080/81. Mr. Poorna Bahadur Khatri
Mr. Ghanshyam Bhandari is participating in the discussion on the policy and program of the financial year 2080/81
Participating in the discussion on policies and programs for the fiscal year 2080/81, Mr. Tulsa Mall
Mr. Hikmat Bahadur Bista is participating in the discussion on the policies and programs of the financial year 2080/81
Participating in the discussion on the policies and programs of the fiscal year 2080/81, Mr. Bir Bahadur Shahi
Participating in the discussion on policies and programs for the financial year 2080/81 Mr. Suresh Adhikari
Mr. Yamalal Kadel is participating in the discussion on the policy and program of the financial year 2080/81
A.W. Presenting the policy and program of 2080/81 from the honorable provincial chief
Minister of Economic Affairs and Planning Mr. Vedraj Singh while answering the questions and queries raised in the discussion
Devendra Bahadur Shahi while participating in the discussion
Ms. Kalyani Khadka while participating in the discussion
Ms. Tekraj Pachhai while participating in the discussion
Mrs. Indrakumari Shahi while participating in the discussion
While participating in the discussion, Ms. Gamata V.K.
Ms. Lakshmi Sunar while participating in the discussion
Participating in the discussion, Mr. Bir Bahadur Shahi
Mrs. Valimaya Budha while participating in the discussion
While participating in the discussion, Mr. Sher Bahadur Budha
Mrs. Vijaya Budha while participating in the discussion
Ms. Dakshina Shahi while participating in the discussion
Durg Bahadur Rawat while participating in the discussion
Mr. Purna Bahadur Khatri while participating in the discussion
Mr. Vinod Kumar Shah while participating in the discussion
While participating in the discussion, Mr. Milan Khadka stopped
Participating in the discussion, Mr. Jeevan Bahadur Shahi
Mr. Yamalal Kadel while giving his opinion in the fourth meeting of the second session of the second term of the Karnali State Assembly
Ms. Santoshi Shahi while participating in the discussion
While participating in the discussion, Mr. Hikmat Bahadur Bista
Mrs. Ghanshyam Bhandari while participating in the discussion
While participating in the discussion, Mr. Kal Bahadur Hamal
While participating in the discussion, Mr. Mahendra K.C.
Mr. Suresh Adhikari while participating in the discussion
While participating in the discussion, Mr. Tulsa Malla
Mrs. Janaki Singh while participating in the discussion
Mr. Ransingh Periyar while participating in the discussion
While participating in the discussion, Mr. Jeet Bahadur Malla
Participating in the discussion was Ms. Vindman Bista
Mr. Rajeev Vikram Shah while participating in the discussion
Ms. Yamalal Kadel while participating in the discussion
In the first meeting of the second session, Mr. Devendra Bahadur Shahi, while presenting his views on behalf of the party
In the first meeting of the second session of the second term, Mrs. Kalyani Khadka was giving an opinion on behalf of the party
In the fifth meeting of the first session, Minister Vinod Kumar Shah expressed his support with his opinion
Chief Minister Rajkumar Sharma proposed with a brief statement to take the vote of confidence
Jeevan Bahadur Shahi while participating in the discussion in the sixth meeting of the first session of the second term
Mr. Yamalal Kadel while participating in the discussion in the sixth meeting of the first session of the second term
Mr. Vindaman Bista while participating in the discussion in the sixth meeting of the first session of the second term
Ms. Santoshi Shahi, who has an opinion on contemporary issues
Mrs. Kalyani Khadka, while having an opinion on contemporary issues
Mr. Suresh Adhikari has an opinion on contemporary issues
Mrs. Vijaya Budha has an opinion on contemporary issues
While having an opinion on contemporary issues, Mr. Krishna Kumar B.C.
M. Tulsa Mall while having an opinion on contemporary issues
Ma'am Hikmat Bahadur Bista, while having an opinion on contemporary issues
Ma'am Devendra Bahadur Shahi, while having an opinion on contemporary issues
State Chief Minister Tilak Pariyar's speech in the state assembly
Chief Minister Rajkumar Sharma proposed with a brief statement to take the vote of confidence
Jiwan Bahadur Shahi while participating in the discussion in the ninth meeting of the first session of the second term
Mr. Yamalal Kadel while participating in the discussion in the ninth meeting of the first session of the second term
While participating in the discussion in the ninth meeting of the first session of the second term, Vindman Bista
Mrs. Santoshi Shahi while participating in the discussion in the ninth meeting of the first session of the second term
Ms. Kalyani Khadka while participating in the discussion in the ninth meeting of the first session of the second term
Mr. Devendra Bahadur Shahi while participating in the discussion in the ninth meeting of the first session of the second term
Chief Minister Rajkumar Sharma while answering the questions and queries raised
In the eleventh meeting of the first session of the second term, Mr. Suresh Adhikari expressed his views on contemporary issues
In the eleventh meeting of the first session, Mr. Kal Bahadur Hamal expressed his views on contemporary issues
In the eleventh meeting of the first session, Mrs. Janaki Singh expressed her views on contemporary issues
In the eleventh meeting of the first session, Mr. Sher Bahadur Budha expressed his views on contemporary issues
In the eleventh meeting of the first session, Mr. Vedaraj Singh expressed his views on contemporary issues
In the eleventh meeting of the first session, Mrs. Balimaya Budha expressed her views on contemporary issues
In the eleventh meeting of the first session, Mrs. Lakshmi Sunar expressed her views on contemporary issues
In the eleventh meeting of the first session, Ms. Dakshina Shahi expressed her views on contemporary issues
In the eleventh meeting of the first session, Mr. Mahendra K.C.
In the eleventh meeting of the first session, Mrs. Vijaya Budha expressed her views on contemporary issues
In the eleventh meeting of the first session, Mr. Hikmat Bahadur Bista expressed his views on contemporary issues
In the eleventh meeting of the first session, Mr. Khadga Bahadur Pokharel expressed his views on contemporary issues
In the eleventh meeting of the first session, Mr. Purna Bahadur Khatri expressed his views on contemporary issues
In the eleventh meeting of the first session, Mrs. Santoshi Shahi expressed her views on contemporary issues
At the eleventh meeting of the first session, Mrs. Indrakumari Shahi expressed her views on contemporary issues
Participating in the theoretical discussion, Mr. Jeevan Bahadur Shahi
While participating in the theoretical discussion, Mr. Jeet Bahadur Malla
Mrs. Hikmat Bahadur Bista while participating in the theoretical discussion
Mr. Ransingh Periyar while participating in the theoretical discussion
Minister of Social Development Khadg Bahadur Pokharel while answering questions and inquiries
While participating in the general discussion in the thirteenth meeting of the first session of the second term, Mr. Mahendra K.C.
While participating in the general discussion in the thirteenth meeting of the first session of the second term, Ms. Tekraj Pachhai
Mr. Jit Bahadur Malla while participating in the general discussion in the thirteenth meeting of the first session of the second term
Mrs. Dakshina Shahi while participating in the discussion in the thirteenth meeting of the first session of the second term
Mrs. Santoshi Shahi while participating in the general discussion in the thirteenth meeting of the first session of the second term
Minister of Internal Affairs and Law Krishna Bahadur G.C while answering the questions and inquiries.
Chief Minister Rajkumar Sharma proposed with a brief statement to take the vote of confidence
Mr. Yamalal Kadel while participating in the discussion in the fourteenth meeting of the first session of the second term
Hon. Jiwan Bahadur Shahi while participating in the discussion in the fourteenth meeting of the first session of the second term
While participating in the discussion in the fourteenth meeting of the first session of the second term, Vindman Bista
Mrs. Santoshi Shahi while participating in the discussion in the fourteenth meeting of the first session of the second term
Mrs. Kalyani Khadka while participating in the discussion in the fourteenth meeting of the first session of the second term
Mr. Devendra Bahadur Shahi while participating in the discussion in the fourteenth meeting of the first session of the second term
Chief Minister Rajkumar Sharma while answering the questions and queries raised
During the fifteenth meeting of the first session, Mr. Durg Bahadur Rawat gave an opinion on contemporary issues
In the fifteenth meeting of the first session, Mr. Jit Bahadur Malla expressed his views on contemporary issues
In the fifteenth meeting of the first session, Mrs. Vijaya Budha gave an opinion on current issues
In the fifteenth meeting of the first session, Mr. Milan Khadka stopped while giving an opinion on contemporary issues
In the fifteenth meeting of the first session, Mr. Kal Bahadur Hamal expressed his views on contemporary issues
In the fifteenth meeting of the first session, Mr. Purna Bahadur Khatri expressed his views on contemporary issues
In the fifteenth meeting of the first session, Mr. Jumkeet Lama (Karki) expressed his views on contemporary issues.
In the fifteenth meeting of the first session, Mr. Tulsa Malla expressed his views on current issues
In the fifteenth meeting of the first session, Mrs. Janaki Singh expressed her views on contemporary issues
In the fifteenth meeting of the first session, Mr. Runsingh Pariyar expressed his views on current issues
In the fifteenth meeting of the first session, Mrs. Dakshina Shahi expressed her views on contemporary issues
In the fifteenth meeting of the first session, Mr. Suresh Adhikari expressed his views on contemporary issues
In the fifteenth meeting of the first session, while giving an opinion on contemporary issues, Mr. Gamata V.K.
In the fifteenth meeting of the first session, Mr. Bir Bahadur Shahi gave an opinion on contemporary issues
Mrs. Ghanshyam Bhandari gave an opinion on contemporary issues in the fifteenth meeting of the first session
In the fifteenth meeting of the first session, Mrs. Santoshi Shahi expressed her views on contemporary issues
In the fifteenth meeting of the first session, Mrs. Kalyani Khadka gave an opinion on current affairs
In the fifteenth meeting of the first session, Mr. Vinod Kumar Shah expressed his views on contemporary issues
Mrs. Kalyani Khadka while participating in the discussion in the sixth meeting of the first session of the second term
Mr. Devendra Bahadur Shahi while participating in the discussion in the sixth meeting of the first session of the second term
In the fifth meeting of the first session of the second term, Mrs. Janaki Singh expressed her support with her opinion
In the fifth meeting of the first session of the second term, Mr. Krishna Bahadur G.C. presented a proposal with his opinion
Mrs. Jeevan Bahadur Shahi presenting a proposal with his opinion in the fifth meeting of the first session of the second term
In the third meeting of the first session, Chief Minister Rajkumar Sharma expressed his support with his opinion
Mr. Yamalal Kandel presenting the proposal with his opinion in the third meeting of the first session of the second term
In the third meeting of the first session of the second term, Mrs. Vijaya Budha expressed her support with her opinion
Mr. Purna Bahadur Khatri presenting the proposal in the third meeting of the first session of the second term
Mr. Ransingh Pariyar, while giving opinion on contemporary issues
While having an opinion on contemporary issues, Ms. Gamata V.K.
Ma'am Sher Bahadur Budha has an opinion on contemporary issues
Mrs. Kal Bahadur Hamal, while having an opinion on contemporary issues
Mrs. Ghanshyam Bhandari, while having an opinion on contemporary issues
Chief Minister Rajkumar Sharma while answering the questions and queries raised
Speaking at the beginning of the first meeting of the first session of the second term, Mr. Devendra Bahadur Shahi
At the beginning of the first meeting of the first session of the second term, Ms. Kalyani Khadka was giving a statement on behalf of the party.
At the beginning of the first meeting of the first session of the second session, Chief Minister Jiwan Bahadur Shahi, while giving a statement on behalf of the party
At the beginning of the first meeting of the first session of the second term, Mr. Yamlal Kandel made a statement on behalf of the party.
At the beginning of the first meeting of the first session of the second term, Ms. Santoshi Shahi was giving a statement on behalf of the party
At the beginning of the first meeting of the first session of the second session, Mr. Rajkumar Sharma, giving his opinion on behalf of the party
कार्यसम्पादन सम्बन्धी छलफल कार्यक्रम
सार्वजनिक लेखा समितिको ६१ औँ बैठक सम्पन्न ।
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